
Play menu on single click instead of long click

Spooky 13 років тому оновлено DieBagger 12 років тому 10
I think it would be better if the play menu (Play locally | Play on MP) opened on single click on a file instead of the long click context menu. Unless there is a more specific reason for this?


Available now in aMPdroid 1.0 (http://forum.team-mediaportal.com/ampdroid-546/ampdroid-1-0-preview-release-103882/)
Well for videos the default action is a details view. In music there is no details view for tracks (yet). I might add a setting to define the default action.
Ah ok, I didn't notice that default action yet, probably because I tried only on shares. I assume the details view lists the details of the database information for that specific video?

Suggestion, what about making it:

Click on album: Short click=open album, long click play-menu (like now).

Click on track: Single click=Play on computer or local (default is setup in settings)

Long Click= menu with download and play on computer or local (default opposite as in short click)

In version 0.8, the default action for video files, in the share view at least, is streaming to the Android phone. Imho this should be changed, since aMPdroid is primarily an application to remote control the Media Portal client. Or so I thought ;).
that was just meant as a replacement for a details view as I didn't have time to create one for shares view...
Yes, but still, I feel the primary action should be to let it play through MediaPortal, since that is what aMPdroid is primarily for. A details view should be a contextual action.
I don't agree on that, but in any way the best solution is to make the short-click action configurable...
I do not like long-click-actions at all ( my tablet has a screenshiffer error, so it is very difficult to do a long-click without loosing focus). Best would be: 1 click on the file and then show a pop-up with the options for play, download or stream, etc. I don;t understand the use of longclicks in general...   oooh and 1 click not only for video;s but also for audio files pls)
Available now in aMPdroid 1.0 (http://forum.team-mediaportal.com/ampdroid-546/ampdroid-1-0-preview-release-103882/)
It's nice that you can change the default now, but now I want to suggest another alternative :D. Currently you have 3 different default behavior for the single click (Play on PC, Open Info/EPG, Stream).

However, it might also be useful to change the default behavior for the single click, so that the 'long click' pop-up menu is shown. It would make the interaction more quick, if you frequently want to use all of the 3 options and not just one.