
Move Volume/Pause/Prev/Next to Now Playing

Spooky 13 år siden opdateret af DieBagger 12 år siden 1
Since these controls (Volume, Prev, Pause, Next) are tied to anything that is currently playing anyway, I think it would be a good idea to move these controls to the "Now Playing" screen in order to save space in the UI. I don't think anyone needs to have access to these controls at all times while browsing through the Media Library etc.? And the "Now Playing" screen is accessible by pulling it up at any time anyway.

Originally I wanted to suggest this for QVGA devices only, since the space is very, very limited there, but it could be interesting for other devices as well.


Available now in aMPdroid 1.0 (http://forum.team-mediaportal.com/ampdroid-546/ampdroid-1-0-preview-release-103882/)
+ as a bonus, this could also solve the issue of the aMPdroid main screen on QVGA devices. The last two icons are cut off there. If these controls are moved to the now playing screen (and all 6 icons are moved slightly upwards), all 6 icons would be visible again on QVGA devices :).
Available now in aMPdroid 1.0 (http://forum.team-mediaportal.com/ampdroid-546/ampdroid-1-0-preview-release-103882/)

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