
Add music streaming

DieBagger 13 years ago updated 12 years ago 3
Be able to stream music the same way video works already.

add tablet support

Thundercats 13 years ago updated by DieBagger 12 years ago 2
Can u make the navigationbuttons to up-scale to the resolution of a tablet? The rest of the app is pretty wel up-scaling to the fullscreen of a tablet, except for the navigationbuttons of the remote.
The auto-rotate is also not implemented yet... eeeh asking for landscape-mode for tablet users...

More basic controlbuttons in remote section

Thundercats 13 years ago updated by Emma Benzie 11 years ago 3
Especially for tablet-users you could add more of the basic/standard remote buttons (stop, skip forward, etc)


DieBagger 13 years ago updated by Thorsten Niemann 13 years ago 2
Add an option to search for items (videos, series, music,...)

Landscape layout

DieBagger 13 years ago updated 12 years ago 1
Add a layout for landscape mode

Add MovingPictures support

Klaus 13 years ago 0
Add support for MovingPictures so that we can access and re-use the categories created using this plugin in MP.

Radio Playback

Sepp 13 years ago updated by gemx 12 years ago 2
Besides music, there's a second major function that does not need the TV turned on: Radio!
It would be great to have the option to turn on radio and toggle channels with Ampdroid.

Allow music playback on MP client

Sepp 13 years ago updated by DieBagger 13 years ago 4
When browsing music and doing a long click on an album, you can select either to download the music or to play it on the client, where the latter is not implemented yet.

I know this is somewhere in the queue already, but for me this is _the_ feature - not having to turn on TV to play music. So I would appreciate many votes for this feature ;-)

DieBagger 13 years ago
Implemented in version 0.8 of aMPdroid

Sorting in ListViews

DieBagger 13 years ago 0
Add sorting to the listviews (videos, series, music,...).

- SortBy: Name, Date, ...
- Order: Asc, Desc

A fifth tab in music section for playlists

Julien Charpenel 13 years ago 0
Would be great if besides shares/artist/album/tracks there is also an tab for playlists!